Dawn is the first light after a period of darkness. New Dawn at Light on the Hill is a transitional housing initiative geared towards a fresh start for people willing to work hard to achieve their goals! What is New Dawn? New Dawn provides temporary housing for people working full-time, who need a “hand-up” to get on the path to self-sufficiency. This housing initiative operates through community referrals and utilizes eight cabins on the Light on the Hill campus. The vision of New Dawn is to surround our participants with resources to help them transition into permanent housing and accomplish the goal(s) they set for themselves. The time limit for occupancy in our transitional housing program is a case-by-case basis, with the longest stay being 12 months. Our participants pay rent, based on a sliding scale, with half of their rent money going into a savings account for them to use for deposits for permanent housing and utilities once they leave the program. Strict vetting of potential participants is a high priority. Rules are in place for everyone’s safety and for the sustainability of the program. Mentors walk alongside New Dawn participants to help them improve their quality of life in areas of health and wellness, financial stability, and achievement of their self-set goals. At New Dawn, we have had many success stories and have celebrated our participant’s achievements. With permission to share, here is a letter written by one of our past participants… “In August 2022, I found myself going through a divorce and not sure where I was suppose to live while I worked through all the new changes and adjustments. My counselor recommended New Dawn Ministry with Light on the Hill in Kerrville. After one visit with the New Dawn coordinator and looking at one cabin, I knew I had found my sanctuary. New Dawn provided me a safe, quiet, and comfortable cabin. Centrally located in Kerrville near a quiet neighborhood and plenty of walking trails. I settled into a familiar routine. The cabin was adequately stocked with basic kitchen utensils and appliances. I had most of my personal belongs with me but had I needed anything, New Dawn would have found it for me! The cabin had fresh paint, new floors, a new kitchenette and bathroom. And AC and heat! With New Dawn staff on the grounds, I never felt alone. If I had a maintenance request, it was answered promptly. And a full laundry facility is on-site which was a real blessing! Not only was I provided a cabin, but I was given support. One couple visited with me and helped me plan my budget and determine the amount of rent I could afford. Two different ladies checked on me by phone, texts, and personal visits, just to give me moral support and lend a shoulder when the emotions were strong. The New Dawn program is meant as a hand up. It is set up to help the resident get on their feet and leave with confidence and a strong plan in place as well as a savings account. Yes, 1/2 of my rent went into a savings account and I personally moved out with $2,000.00. I was able to pay my moving company, my apartment deposit and all my incidentals. I have never felt more confident! For me, New Dawn did everything it was designed to do. It gave me peace. A quiet place to lay my head at night, a support team that was behind me 100% of the time. The program is designed for a 12 month stay but I was so well prepared, I was able to move out in 8 months. I have moved out but the relationships and friendships I made will stay with me. New Dawn is to be commended and praised for such a well thought out ministry.” Currently at New Dawn, all of our cabins are full. We do have a waiting list for potential participants. Our community health worker, Lori Payne is the director of New Dawn. Lori does a tremendous job coordinating the vetting process for the program and supporting the participants as she journeys with each one. Our team, of New Dawn Advisory Board members and mentors, are incredible and our participants are blessed by the guidance they receive. And Church, thank you for your prayers and support of the New Dawn Transitional Housing Initiative. Lives are being transformed and all of the glory and honor is God's! Recent additions at New Dawn…
What a Wonderful Morning at Light on the Hill This Past Monday!Before sunrise, the San Antonio Food Bank delivered 36,000 pounds of wonderful food to share with our community. While still dark outside, volunteers and staff began unloading pallet after pallet. Just after sunrise, unpaid servants from throughout our community started arriving to organize and bag the food. Neighbors getting everything ready to share with their neighbors. This is a beautiful sight but nothing that compares to watching the interaction between the givers and the receivers when the cars start driving through. Folks sharing food… folks sharing appreciation… folks sharing smiles… folks sharing encouragement… laughter… crying… conversations… hugs… prayers… Everyone becomes a giver and a receiver of blessings. Thank you to everyone who supports this outpouring of love with your prayers, your presence, your gifts, your service and your witness. “Oh, taste and see that the Lord is good! Blessed are those that take refuge in Him.” Emmaus FebruaryValentine's for Veterans!We will be collecting valentine cards for the local veterans hospital until February 11. You can drop off cards in the narthex at KFUMC.
Support our VeteransWe will be collecting valentine cards for the local veterans hospital until February 11. You can drop off cards in the narthex at KFUMC beginning Sunday, January 26. Meals on WheelsValentines for Meals on Wheels! Other NewsFrom Jane Davis I am praying for you this morning… So many storms are raging these days… One billows up, and before it settles down, another strikes. A devastating hurricane, leaving thousands homeless in North Carolina…suicide drivers, crashing into innocent people in the streets of Germany and New Orleans…wildfires still raging out of control in California… A troubling health issue, still searching for answers…the home-going of a loved one…a child making unwise choices…a relationship broken…the abrupt end of a job… On and on the storms continue to billow. How do we calm our souls in the midst of crisis? T R U S T G O D. Easy to say…hard to do, sometimes. The sooner we can bring ourselves to TRUST, the sooner God calms our hearts. When we TRUST that He’s got this, and He’s got us, we can think more clearly. We can breathe. Filter your thoughts back to God’s faithfulness to you in the past. He did miracles in your life then… And He’ll do them again. “Trust in the Lord with all your heart.” Proverbs 3:5 “When I am afraid, I put my trust in You. In God, whose word I praise, in God I trust, I shall not be afraid.” Psalm 56:3-4 Events & ActivitiesHAPPY NEW YEAR! The new year is the perfect opportunity to start fresh and develop a daily practice of praising God, seeking His guidance, and renewing our trust in Him every morning. As we look ahead to 2025, let this new beginning inspire us to deepen our faith, grow spiritually, and walk confidently with the Lord each day! Thank You for Stocking the Shelves at Mustard Seed Pantry!Serving Our Neighbors Brings Everyone Joy! Thank you for being the hands and feet of Christ in our community! Whether it is by sharing food, or giving gifts from incarcerated parents to their children, or singing Christmas carols, or visiting folks in the hospital, or delivering cards and gifts to veterans, or praying, or the many, many other ways that our church family shares the love of Christ with others, thank you! God has given us the great joy of being a blessing to others. And in return, we are the ones blessed. God is so good! Other Announcements & EventsDear Jesus, this Advent, blanket us in Your Peace. Help us stay calm amidst all of the chaos of the world. Amen. PRISON ANGEL TREE The choices that lead to a prison sentence, as well as the distance created by incarceration, can strain a prisoner’s family ties to the breaking point. At Christmas, the emotional pain of a loved one’s incarceration grows even more intense; the distance is felt by children and parents alike. Angel Tree Christmas gives incarcerated parents a way to provide a Christmas gift and a personal message, delivered by caring, local volunteers, as a tangible representation of their love. Every Angel Tree family is also given access to a free, easy-to-read copy of the Bible. And the church, which embodies the hope and grace of the Gospel to prisoners’ families, may continue to minister to the family all throughout the year. Kerrville First United Methodist Church has adopted 56 children from our community with an incarcerated parent. These children are receiving a gift and their caregivers are receiving food for the household. What a blessing! Thank you, Church! Please join us in praying for these children, their parents, and their caregivers. Thank you to our Angel Tree Champions, Lori and Dee Ann!Dear Jesus, You are the hope in our messy world. This Advent, help us slow down, listen to Your voice, and focus on what's really important. Amen. ___________________________ Shared from Jane Davis I am praying for you this morning… As we sit and breathe, contemplate the past several days. Traveling. Grocery shopping. Meal planning. House cleaning. Cooking. Baking. Eating. Game watching. Christmas boxes found and unpacked. Laughter. Stories. Memories. Memories. Memories. Did we remember to do what we say we’re going to do Thanksgiving… Give thanks. Thanks to God for giving us our family. Safe travels. Provisions. And…thanks for the anticipation and excitement as we now plan for celebrating the most important birth in history… The birth of a tiny baby…God-in-the-flesh, coming to earth for the salvation of all mankind. What a gift. What a reason to celebrate, and be thankful. “Many, O Lord my God, are the wonders You have done…” Psalm 40:5 AnnouncementsMore than 150 Families Received Thanksgiving Feast Ingredients! We are so Blessed and so Thankful! Thank You to so Many in Our Community!Faithful Unpaid Servants Behind the Scenes at Mustard Seed Pantry!Thank You to Peterson Regional Medical Center Care Coordination for Supporting Our Thanksgiving Outreach!Girl Scouts Help at Mustard Seed with Thanksgiving DonationsMorning Rotary Club Partners with Mustard Seed PantryThank You to Eveready Electric Employees for Helping Unload Turkeys from SAFB!Thank You to the San Antonio Food Bank for being a Wonderful Partner to Our Mustard Seed Food Pantry! November Activities |
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February 2025
Light on the Hill at Mount Wesley is a Texas nonprofit corporation recognized by the IRS as a tax-exempt public charity under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code (Federal Tax ID: 83-3263624).
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