Serving Our Neighbors Brings Everyone Joy! Thank you for being the hands and feet of Christ in our community! Whether it is by sharing food, or giving gifts from incarcerated parents to their children, or singing Christmas carols, or visiting folks in the hospital, or delivering cards and gifts to veterans, or praying, or the many, many other ways that our church family shares the love of Christ with others, thank you! God has given us the great joy of being a blessing to others. And in return, we are the ones blessed. God is so good! Other Announcements & EventsDear Jesus, this Advent, blanket us in Your Peace. Help us stay calm amidst all of the chaos of the world. Amen. PRISON ANGEL TREE The choices that lead to a prison sentence, as well as the distance created by incarceration, can strain a prisoner’s family ties to the breaking point. At Christmas, the emotional pain of a loved one’s incarceration grows even more intense; the distance is felt by children and parents alike. Angel Tree Christmas gives incarcerated parents a way to provide a Christmas gift and a personal message, delivered by caring, local volunteers, as a tangible representation of their love. Every Angel Tree family is also given access to a free, easy-to-read copy of the Bible. And the church, which embodies the hope and grace of the Gospel to prisoners’ families, may continue to minister to the family all throughout the year. Kerrville First United Methodist Church has adopted 56 children from our community with an incarcerated parent. These children are receiving a gift and their caregivers are receiving food for the household. What a blessing! Thank you, Church! Please join us in praying for these children, their parents, and their caregivers. Thank you to our Angel Tree Champions, Lori and Dee Ann!Dear Jesus, You are the hope in our messy world. This Advent, help us slow down, listen to Your voice, and focus on what's really important. Amen. ___________________________ Shared from Jane Davis I am praying for you this morning… As we sit and breathe, contemplate the past several days. Traveling. Grocery shopping. Meal planning. House cleaning. Cooking. Baking. Eating. Game watching. Christmas boxes found and unpacked. Laughter. Stories. Memories. Memories. Memories. Did we remember to do what we say we’re going to do Thanksgiving… Give thanks. Thanks to God for giving us our family. Safe travels. Provisions. And…thanks for the anticipation and excitement as we now plan for celebrating the most important birth in history… The birth of a tiny baby…God-in-the-flesh, coming to earth for the salvation of all mankind. What a gift. What a reason to celebrate, and be thankful. “Many, O Lord my God, are the wonders You have done…” Psalm 40:5 AnnouncementsThe second week of Advent focuses on peace. Jesus Christ is the Prince of Peace! We pray for peace… "God of peace, as we light the second Advent candle of peace, may Your peace fill our hearts and our world. Help us to be peacemakers in our relationships and communities. In Jesus' name, we pray. Amen." It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas at KFUMC and Light on the Hill! HOPE… The first week of Advent and the first Sunday of Advent mark the beginning of the Advent season in the Christian liturgical calendar. Advent is a period of preparation and anticipation for the celebration of the birth of Jesus Christ on Christmas Day. Each of the four weeks of Advent has a specific theme, and the first week typically centers around the theme of "Hope" or "Expectation." Advent is a time for remembering and reflecting on the birth of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. Let us turn our hearts towards Christ as Christmas approaches. Let us not get caught up in the hustle and bustle of the season this year and miss the chance to celebrate the gifts of hope, peace, joy, and love, that God sent to us on that first Christmas. Every word in scripture points to the gift of hope that we have because of Christ Jesus! God, the Christmas story wasn’t the beginning of that message of hope because the Old Testament is full of glimpses of Your plan to redeem Your people and restore them to a relationship with You, but we are able to truly begin to see and understand just how great Your love for us is when we read the story of Jesus’ birth. That first Christmas, You gave us the gift of hope wrapped in swaddling clothes and laid in a manger. Thank you, Father, for Your immeasurable gift! HOPE AND CONNECTION—IN PRISON AND OUT Incarceration can strain family ties to the breaking point. By providing Christmas gifts on behalf of incarcerated parents, Prison Fellowship Angel Tree allows local churches to extend the hope of the Gospel to families with loved ones in prison. In addition, Angel Tree invites congregations to integrate Angel Tree families into church activities year-round, resulting in mutually beneficial relationships that foster growth, support, and encouragement. We want to develop relationships that go beyond the Christmas season. Our church will be helping 43 families in our community this Christmas. We are able to provide the 94 children from these families with Christmas gifts, their own age-appropriate Bible in English or Spanish, and an Advent Devotional for the entire family. Thank you for supporting our church financially. It is through your tithes that we are able to support outreach ministries such as Prison Angel Tree. Please join us in covering these families in prayer. It has been said that, “It takes a village to raise a child.” This means that an entire community of people must participate in the lives of children in order for them to grow in a safe and healthy environment and be able to flourish and realize their hopes and dreams. Thank you for making a difference in the lives of these children! We are so blessed to be a part of our wonderful community! Thank you to the San Antonio Food Bank and to all of the awesome unpaid servants that shared 34,000 pounds of food at the Mega Food Pantry!
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February 2025
Light on the Hill at Mount Wesley is a Texas nonprofit corporation recognized by the IRS as a tax-exempt public charity under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code (Federal Tax ID: 83-3263624).
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