What a Wonderful Morning at Light on the Hill This Past Monday!Before sunrise, the San Antonio Food Bank delivered 36,000 pounds of wonderful food to share with our community. While still dark outside, volunteers and staff began unloading pallet after pallet. Just after sunrise, unpaid servants from throughout our community started arriving to organize and bag the food. Neighbors getting everything ready to share with their neighbors. This is a beautiful sight but nothing that compares to watching the interaction between the givers and the receivers when the cars start driving through. Folks sharing food… folks sharing appreciation… folks sharing smiles… folks sharing encouragement… laughter… crying… conversations… hugs… prayers… Everyone becomes a giver and a receiver of blessings. Thank you to everyone who supports this outpouring of love with your prayers, your presence, your gifts, your service and your witness. “Oh, taste and see that the Lord is good! Blessed are those that take refuge in Him.” Emmaus FebruaryValentine's for Veterans!We will be collecting valentine cards for the local veterans hospital until February 11. You can drop off cards in the narthex at KFUMC.
From Jane Davis I am praying for you this morning… So many storms are raging these days… One billows up, and before it settles down, another strikes. A devastating hurricane, leaving thousands homeless in North Carolina…suicide drivers, crashing into innocent people in the streets of Germany and New Orleans…wildfires still raging out of control in California… A troubling health issue, still searching for answers…the home-going of a loved one…a child making unwise choices…a relationship broken…the abrupt end of a job… On and on the storms continue to billow. How do we calm our souls in the midst of crisis? T R U S T G O D. Easy to say…hard to do, sometimes. The sooner we can bring ourselves to TRUST, the sooner God calms our hearts. When we TRUST that He’s got this, and He’s got us, we can think more clearly. We can breathe. Filter your thoughts back to God’s faithfulness to you in the past. He did miracles in your life then… And He’ll do them again. “Trust in the Lord with all your heart.” Proverbs 3:5 “When I am afraid, I put my trust in You. In God, whose word I praise, in God I trust, I shall not be afraid.” Psalm 56:3-4 Events & ActivitiesDear Jesus, You are the hope in our messy world. This Advent, help us slow down, listen to Your voice, and focus on what's really important. Amen. ___________________________ Shared from Jane Davis I am praying for you this morning… As we sit and breathe, contemplate the past several days. Traveling. Grocery shopping. Meal planning. House cleaning. Cooking. Baking. Eating. Game watching. Christmas boxes found and unpacked. Laughter. Stories. Memories. Memories. Memories. Did we remember to do what we say we’re going to do Thanksgiving… Give thanks. Thanks to God for giving us our family. Safe travels. Provisions. And…thanks for the anticipation and excitement as we now plan for celebrating the most important birth in history… The birth of a tiny baby…God-in-the-flesh, coming to earth for the salvation of all mankind. What a gift. What a reason to celebrate, and be thankful. “Many, O Lord my God, are the wonders You have done…” Psalm 40:5 AnnouncementsMore than 150 Families Received Thanksgiving Feast Ingredients! We are so Blessed and so Thankful! Thank You to so Many in Our Community!Faithful Unpaid Servants Behind the Scenes at Mustard Seed Pantry!Thank You to Peterson Regional Medical Center Care Coordination for Supporting Our Thanksgiving Outreach!Girl Scouts Help at Mustard Seed with Thanksgiving DonationsMorning Rotary Club Partners with Mustard Seed PantryThank You to Eveready Electric Employees for Helping Unload Turkeys from SAFB!Thank You to the San Antonio Food Bank for being a Wonderful Partner to Our Mustard Seed Food Pantry! November ActivitiesTOGETHER The world is watching. The way Christians talk about their church has great impact, and the way we speak of other local congregations, pastors and the church around the world speaks volumes. Is the body of Jesus Christ united in love and mission, or are we divided? How does the world see us? Are we living as examples of grace, love, and unity? Here are some ways to be a witness in how we think about, speak of and interact with other faith communities. My prayer is that we step into some of these practices and become a witness in our community of what the family of God is supposed to look like. Speak well of other churches and pastors and pray for them. Every chance we have, speak words of blessing and affirmation over faith communities in our area. These are family members. Share words of blessing. Be kind. Pray for our faith communities and their leaders. Partner with other churches. Sometimes churches feel the need to do everything on their own, even when another church in the area is doing the same thing wonderfully. But we want to join together and let our community see churches that partner and work together. We are blessed to work with other faith communities with food relief efforts and through Habitat for Humanity, to just mention a few of the ways we partner. The world is watching. Let’s give witness to our unity. We are the family of God. Let’s shine the light of Jesus through our example. Rejoice where God is working. Celebrate where the kingdom of God is expanding. Let the world see that we are united, partners, family and one. Volunteer OpportunitiesWe could use extra hands, please join us Monday! Join us to help out at 9:45AM, October 29th. Other EventsChurch Picnic at Camp Mystic, Oct 27th We need your participation to help us provide a safe, fun event for lots of children! Please bring your vehicle and park in the back parking lot of the church no later than 5:15pm. You can decorate your trunk or dress in costume (please nothing too scary) or just come as you are. We are providing candy but we need you to help us hand it out! Come join us for lots of fun! Trunk or Treat at KFUMC will be on Wednesday, October 30, from 5:30-6:30pm! We need your participation to help us provide a safe, fun event for lots of children! Please bring your vehicle and park in the back parking lot of the church no later than 5:15pm. You can decorate your trunk or dress in costume (please nothing too scary) or just come as you are. We are providing candy but we need you to help us hand it out! Come join us for lots of fun! Come join us on Saturday, November 2, at Light on the Hill for The Harvest Festival! Come one and all! Invite your family, friends and neighbors to join us at this free community wide event! Enjoy the live music of Tim Porter and Gary Hatch! Take part in hay rides for all ages, a petting zoo, bounce houses, face painting and games for all the kiddos!
If you would like more information or if you would like to volunteer, contact Beth Palmer at [email protected] or (830) 459-5847. A story shared by author Jimmy Dodd… On March 26, 2024, at 1:28 a.m. the India-based container ship Dali lost power and subsequently struck one of the piers of the Francis Scott Key Bridge causing it to collapse into the Patapsco River in Baltimore. Tragically, six members of a highway maintenance crew lost their lives. The collapse blocked shipping into the Port of Baltimore impacting more than 8,000 jobs. A question the following day brought a surprising response. A reporter asked, “Why weren’t tugboats used to escort all ships through the harbor?” The answer was, “While tugboats could have prevented the disaster, they were cost prohibitive.” I remember taking a leisurely ride on an evening water taxi though an Atlantic Ocean harbor with my wife. The taxi was a relatively inexpensive way to spend some extended time on the water. As we journeyed through the harbor, we watched with skepticism as a massive ship attempted to turn itself to neatly fit into its designated dock slip. And then, out of nowhere, a tugboat approached the stern of the ship while another approached the stern from the opposite side. As they neared the ship, they increased their speed. Wham! The lead tugboat hit the ship at full speed. It retreated and then repeatedly struck the ship five or six times before we began to see the result. Amazingly, the mammoth ship began to turn. After several minutes of consistent collisions, the ship was safely in dock. As the tugboat steamed to help another ship exiting the port, I was able to make out the name that adorned it’s back. Faithful. A tugboat called Faithful. Experts said that even when a 900-foot cargo ship loses power, even a small number of tugboats would possess the necessary power to safely maneuver it out of the harbor. When the Dali lost power, it could have greatly benefited from a tugboat like Faithful. As followers of Christ, we need tugboats in our lives. We need colleagues, friends, bosses, mentors, teachers, coaches, counselors, spiritual guides and family members to help us when they see us drifting (a gentle nudge) or going the wrong direction (a significant push). We all need faithful friends in our lives to guide us through the challenging harbors of life. We were not created by the Lord to navigate life alone. We were created for community. Connection is our God-given DNA. We need one another. When we convince themselves that we no longer need voices in our lives to guide us through dangerous harbors, a catastrophe is inevitable. We need faithful tugboats to guide us in our darkest hours, and to help us navigate life. I am grateful for the people in my life that help me on this journey and I consider it a privilege to be there for others. Who are the “tugboats” in your life? Who are you a “tugboat” for as we all do life together? May the Lord continue to guide and bless us. |
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February 2025
Light on the Hill at Mount Wesley is a Texas nonprofit corporation recognized by the IRS as a tax-exempt public charity under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code (Federal Tax ID: 83-3263624).
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