Unpaid servants are such a blessing to the life of our faith community! Thank you for saying, “Here I am Lord, use me!” April is National Volunteer Month April 21-27 is National Volunteer Appreciation Week. UNPAID SERVANTS MAKE IT HAPPEN at Kerrville First United Methodist Church and at Light on the Hill at Mount Wesley! God has poured out His blessings upon our ministry efforts with the gift of unpaid servants at Kerrville First United Methodist Church and Light on the Hill! Every mission outreach initiative is prayed over and supported with funding, the gift of time, and unending love by unpaid servants. If we tried to pay all of the wonderful folks who faithfully give their love and energy to all of the ministries efforts, we could not afford it because these people are PRICELESS! The passion for serving our neighbors and the love for God that pours out of our unpaid servants throughout all of our volunteer opportunities is amazing! “Thank you” never seems enough but please know how grateful we are for the support of our volunteers. You are each a tremendous blessing! FOOD RELIEF VOUNTEER OPPORTUNITIES (May-September) · May 6 – Mustard Seed: 9-10am · May 13 – MEGA: 8-10am · May 14 - Mobile Mustard Seed: 9am · May 20 - Mustard Seed: 9-10am · June 3 – Mustard Seed: 9-10am · June 10 - Mustard Seed: 9-10am · June 17 - Mustard Seed: 9-10am · June 24 – MEGA: 8-10am · June 25 – Mobile Mustard Seed: 9am · July 8 - Mustard Seed: 9-10am · July 15 - Mustard Seed: 9-10am · July 22 - Mustard Seed: 9-10am · July 29 – MEGA: 8-10am · July 30 – Mobile Mustard Seed: 9am · August 12 - Mustard Seed: 9-10am · August 19 - Mustard Seed: 9-10am · August 26 – MEGA: 8-10am · August 27 – Mobile Mustard Seed: 9am · September 9 - Mustard Seed: 9-10am · September 16 - Mustard Seed: 9-10am · September 23 - Mustard Seed: 9-10am · September 30 – MEGA: 8-10am There are also opportunities for bagging food to prep for these pantry dates and home deliveries are done each week, also. Contact Beth Palmer at [email protected] or (830)459-5847 to learn more! Some of Light on the Hill's unpaid servants were recognized at the Kerrville City Council Meeting for their efforts to feed first responders during the recent eclipse event. MEGA Food Pantry Drive-thru is Monday! And we NEED BAGS! Please drop off plastic HEB or Walmart bags at KFUMC office or Light on the Hill. Thank You!!!
Mobile Mustard Seed Shares Food Out In Our Community! KFUMC and Light on the Hill, among others, were recognized for Back-to-school Efforts in our community with the Kerrville Kindness Award by city council! Harvest Festival this Fall!
A recap on our Monday, Mega Food event at Light on the Hill. We are proud to serve the hill country community and support our neighbors. Our Community Partners to Share Food from San Antonio Food Bank at Mega at Light on the Hill at Mount Wesley! The newly renovated pool at Light on the Hill was blessed and reopened! Thank you to everyone who made this possible!
Kerrville First United Methodist Church’s Food4Kids program provides food on the weekends for children experiencing food insecurity from our neighboring school, Nimitz Elementary. Other churches in our community have also adopted local schools in our county to be a blessing! KFUMC is currently helping almost 60 students and their families who do not have enough nutritious food to sustain them throughout the weekends. Many families depend on breakfast and lunch for their children at school and when school is not in session, like on weekends, it provides a hardship for the family. Our awesome unpaid servants help with the shopping, packing, delivering and distributing of the food to make this program possible. Food4Kids is a food relief ministry connected with our Mustard Seed Pantry. Thank you for supporting Food4Kids! Thank you to Bryant Williams for his generous gift of a golf cart to our outreach ministry! This will help with providing accessibility for our neighbors with mobility challenges to all of our outreach ministries.
I’m sure you have heard by now of the outpouring at Asbury University over the last two weeks. What started as a few students staying after a worship service to continue to pray grew into an awakening that saw thousands travel to Kentucky to be a part of it! No bright lights, no famous Christian musicians or renowned speakers. Just simply, praying to God for a new awakening of His people and His Spirit to pour out over all creation. So simple, yet so powerful.
- Beth
We are excited to have six families participating in our NEW DAWN Transitional Housing Program as we begin 2023! We are grateful for this ministry and for all of the support that we have received. As we take everything we have learned since we piloted this initiative with our first participant and envision all the impact that this ministry can bring, we want to ask you to join with us to pray. Pray for each family that is currently participating in NEW DAWN and all of the families yet to come. Pray for the mentors that are walking alongside our participants. Thank you for praying with us! If you want to learn more about how you can be a friend to our families, let us know. There are many, very simple ways. Thank you for your support! It’s January and not many are thinking about swimming outside in the summer, BUT we are!!! In the last three years, we have replaced all of the huge pumps and all of the pipes and plumbing for the pool at Light on the Hill at Mount Wesley. Now, we need to address the pool, itself. We have multiple cracks in the pool that have been patched and re-patched over and over and over… We no longer can do this. It is time for the pool to be retiled, re-plastered, and re-surfaced. Last summer, we had hundreds of children and youth enjoy this pool through summer camps, play days, and field trips. We know how much joy this pool brought to so many as we were fortunate to witness the laughter and smiles! This summer, we want to expand the number of children and youth who will come and make more memories on our treasured campus, including in the pool. Would you prayerfully consider helping us? Thanks to some grants and private donations, we are more than halfway there with the funding to make this happen! Every little bit helps! If you would be able to help us reach our goal, you can make a donation to KFUMC or LOTH and specify “POOL” on the check or in the comments section if you are giving electronically. Thank you so much for praying for our summer outreach efforts in January. We are incredibly blessed by your continued support! Happy New Year! We have had a great two weeks of summer camp for kids at Light on the Hill! Thank you to all of the unpaid servants who have shared their love and talent with so many to make Camp Wesley happen!
We are also thankful for the San Antonio Food Bank and all of the unpaid servants who shared the love of Christ through the tangible expression of food on Monday at Light on the Hill! |
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February 2025
Light on the Hill at Mount Wesley is a Texas nonprofit corporation recognized by the IRS as a tax-exempt public charity under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code (Federal Tax ID: 83-3263624).
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